How it all Began

Hi, I'm Alina. During the pandemic, a special enclave in Todos Santos became a safe and welcoming sanctuary for my family. We were astonished to discover such unspoiled beauty and tranquility so close to Cabo San Lucas.
This experience inspired me to purchase
and completely renovate one of the few oceanfront private residences in Todos Santos. My aspiration was to create a destination to joyfully celebrate life. An experience that embodies the indescribable joy and peace we discovered. In completing the renovation, I felt a deep responsibility to ensure our efforts resulted in respectful and thoughtful integration with the pristine environment that distinguishes this area of Todos Santos. The result is Ozun.
I also wanted to create a destination for women. A safe haven where women come together to simply be together. Or to help each other in becoming whatever they wish to be in life’s journey. A place of oneness.
I invite you to experience this remarkable destination and I hope with all my might you discover joy upon joy at Ozun.